
The International Programs of Science and Technology for Innovation

The International Programs of Science and Technology for Innovation (PISTI) are the “newborn” of IUC family. This Pole deals with the integration of young people in offshored trainings in Science and Technology of Innovation, with the award of the engineering diploma. Holders of a Scientific Baccalaureate have the possibility to prepare after 02 years of training, a Bachelor in Sciences and Technology in the fields of chemistry, physics and applied mathematics, giving them access to Professional Masters programmes or to Engineering schools.

This Pole includes several training courses:

Preparatory classes that allow students to enter Engineering Schools

  • BTS Health

  • The Engineering Cycle in Agronomy

  • The Biomedical Engineering Cycle (IBM)

  • The Engineering cycle of the Polytech network in France

  • The Cycle of Engineer in Architecture (ADI), with possibilities of having scholarships for Italy;

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