Missions, Visions and Values


Founded in 2002 in Douala-Cameroon, to provide practical solution to the unavailability of workforce locally and in Africa in general, IUC is an academic institution working in the domain of qualifying and diploma training.

We are working to provide companies, an effective pole of excellence in engineering training courses in Africa. With the support of partners spread over five continents, our ambition is to build one of the most innovative and dynamic pole on the African continent.   

Presently, we are welcoming people from other parts of the continent (Central and West Africa) and continue our development in other regions of Africa.   

Our missions

With the constant support of professionals selected in the area and acting in Africa, Europe, North America, and through various learning activities (tutorials, practicals, academic projects, end of year projects, academic internships, work-linked training, seminars, conferences and symposiums), we train holders of at least a secondary school diploma, and professionals in search for skills or willing to validate previously acquired skills. This helps support business activities for a sustained growth of economy, assurance of prosperity; facilitate social development of professionals and to facilitate familiarization with modern and complex procedures of the company.

Our learners benefit from comprehensive training and skills (knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills) at the service of the company, validation of their skills previously acquired and mobility facilities nationally and internationally on several continents (Africa, Europe, Asia, South America, Middle East).

Our vision

Our vision is to provide African youth with high-standard of training in business professions.

Our conviction is that technology and expertise should be accessible to the greatest number of persons. 

Our Values

  • Diversity
  • Rigour
  • Excellence
  • Humanism
  • Integrity.

 RESPECT FOR PEOPLE AND COMMITMENTS: The development of the Institution is based on the respect and fulfillment of its staff, students, and tenants. IUC communication approach has as objective to involve its personnel in decisions taking. 

RECOGNITION OF THE CONTRIBUTION OF ALL OR BIDIMENISONAL GRATITUDE: Each person has a function necessary in achieving the mission of the Institute. IUC places the student and all its staff at the centre of its preoccupations, and should be able to count on the commitment and involvement of members of its staff to accomplish this mission. As a partner, each individual is responsible for the results achieved by the Institution. This means that he/she is aware of his duties, responsibilities and consequences of his actions. For this reason, communication aimed at developing the sense of community, avoiding depersonalization of relations and fostering a culture of participation and partnership.

PROFESSIONNALISM AND EFFICIENCY: A Pole of Excellence in terms of professional training in Africa, IUC needs to demonstrate professionalism.   

ETHICS: In its relations with its counterparts as well as in their treatment, IUC promotes highest ethical standard and demonstrates great concerns regarding justice and equity.                                                                                                                            

IUC trains Human in the whole for Companies. 

Missions, Visions and Values
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